Medicare Services

Having difficulty opening those pesky jars and cans? Reaching items on the ground becoming more and more of a struggle? Come and see one of our OTs to complete an assessment for you and determine any areas where you may benefit from the provision of some 'small aides' to support your engagement.
Are you experiencing weakness and pain in your arms, hands or wrists but not sure what to do? We can help! Book in to see one of our friendly OTs who can provide advice, exercises and demonstrate how you can still keep doing all the your daily activities but reduce strain and limit pain.
Struggling to get to sleep? Could your sleep environment and habits be contributing? Visit our OTs who can help you to identify any barriers in your current environment, develop better routines, and improve your sleep hygiene to help you get a better nights rest.
Thinking of applying to the NDIS but not sure where to start? We understand that it can feel like a lot and can be very confusing. That's why we are here to help. Our OTs can work with you to guide you on how to apply, what paperwork you'll need for your application, support you to apply, and provide follow ups to help you after submission.
If falls, slips, and almost trips are becoming an increasing problem for you, we can help! Our OT can work with you to provide education, balance and strength exercises, and suggested modifications to your home environment to keep you safe.
Do you or someone you know need manual assistance when moving between surfaces like their bed, and chair? We are here to help! Pop into our clinic and our friendly team will teach you how to safely lift and transfer, as well as how to minimise injury to yourself and others through the use of assistive technology devices.
Are you a full-time wheelchair user, or maybe someone who spends long periods of time seated in a chair or bed? You could be at risk of developing pressure injuries. That's where we come in. Our OTs can assess your skin integrity and pressure risk areas and show you some pressure relief techniques and items to reduce your risk.
Do you have a total knee replacement operation coming up? Feeling like you might need a little help getting ready? Get in touch with our team! Our OTs can guide you through lower limb dressing techniques, assistive technology devices that can help you as well as providing education on a kneeling program so that you can get on and off the floor as pain free as possible.
Are you finding yourself overwhelmed by noise or smell? Or maybe you're struggling to attend to tasks for long periods of time? Did you know that everyone processes their world, and sensory experiences differently? That's where we come in! Book an appointment and see our team who can find out what your specific sensory preferences are, how to manage them, and what to do at times of overwhelm.
Have you, or someone you know recently suffered from a stroke? We understand that this can be a tricky time and we are here to help. Our team will be with you every step of the way. We can develop a tailored exercise program which focuses on rebuilding strength, coordination, and mobility and monitor your progress as you go.
Let's face it, planning, organising, and problem-solving isn't always easy. Sometimes, it might feel like you don't even know where to start. That's where we come in! Visit our OTs where we can assess where you're having some challenges and support you to complete some brain training exercises to improve your thinking and problem solving skills.
Are you limited by pain each day? Not sure where to turn? Let us help. Book in to see one of our friendly OTs who can assess your pain patterns, provide education on pain management strategies, teach you pain relief techniques, and develop a pain management plan with you. Let's get you back to life.
Do you have a total hip replacement operation coming up? Feeling like you might need a little help getting ready? Get in touch with our team! Our OTs can guide you through lower limb dressing techniques, assistive technology devices that can help you as well as providing education on car transfer techniques.
If falls, slips, and almost trips are becoming an increasing problem for you, we can help! Our OT can work with you to provide education, balance and strength exercises, and suggested modifications to your home environment to keep you safe. We will also teach you safer ways to mobilise to limit your risk of falls.
Are there days that just getting out of bed seems like an impossible task? We know that everyone has different amounts of energy, and that this can change each day. Our OTs can work with you to develop energy conservation strategies and pacing techniques to help you get back into the things you love.
Mind a little hazy? We can administer a variety of cognitive assessments to support diagnoses and recommend additional investigation. We can also help to interpret what the data says, what it means for you, and help you adapt your thinking and memory where you may be struggling.